Quality Assurance

Mission – Vision

Since its establishment as a university department in March 2018 by the founding law of the University of West Attica, the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) has set as its main objectives the appropriate training of early childhood educators on educational theories, methods, pedagogical and teaching practices for children of this particular age group; the development and acquisition of knowledge in education, and the provision of students with the necessary resources to ensure that they are well trained in support of their professional prospects, while empowering them with competences vital for studying and research in the broader field of education.

The Department’s strategy for academic development

The Department closely follows social, economic developments and scientific developments in the field of Education and Care in Early Childhood, and contributes to social development and to the satisfaction of the needs of the economy through the preparation of competent educators who can effectively staff settings that provide early childhood education and care services, both in the private and public sectors. To that end, the Department often collaborates with both sectors.

As an academic Department of Education, having to do with early childhood education and care, its main focus lies on the child and the family, the man made and the social system; since the culmination of the personality of an individual and the realization of the importance of “social ecology” are key to well-being and sustainable development. In addition, what governs the content and teaching methods of the programme is the development of equity and social justice, the deep consideration of the natural resources and the deep understanding of the concept of economic value, through cooperation and coordination of all efforts both between and within communities. In addition, the new programme offers the Department the opportunity to operate, featuring a more complete provision of educational services and skills that can both promote and further scientific research in the field, providing it with positive prospects for scientific development.

Quality Assurance Policy

Quality Assurance entails a systematic, structured and continuous approach with commitment to quality. It presupposes the creation of an internal system of principles, criteria and regulations, the proper functioning of which is certified by periodic internal and external evaluation procedures. These procedures must be made public.

Ensuring and improving the quality of higher education institutions and of the programmes of study and qualifications they offer is a fundamental objective of Greek higher education, in order to best meet societal needs and expectations regarding higher education institutions. These objectives have been further strengthened by the standardisation of the process of accreditation both at the level of the Institution and at the level of study programmes.

The Quality Assurance Policy of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care is fully aligned with the Quality Assurance Policy of the University of West Attica. The policy of the Department aims at the optimal use of the available resources, while ensuring high quality educational, research and administrative work.

Goal Setting

The goal setting process of the Early Childhood Education and Care Department is based on the strategic objectives that have been set, each of which is broken down into quality objectives. The objectives are reflected in quality indicators set by the Independent Authority for Quality Assurance

& Certification in Higher Education, and are aligned with the Standards and Guiding Principles of the European Higher Education Area, while respecting for the character and autonomy of Greek Universities. The measurement, monitoring, modification, enhancement or replacement of the quality objectives and the corresponding quality indicators constitute a key pillar towards improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the Institution’s Internal Quality Assurance System.

The main Strategic Objectives of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care are aligned to and derive from the quality assurance policy of the University of West Attica. They are directly linked to the strategic planning axes of the University. The main Strategic Directions of the Department are implemented through the achievement of specific objectives set, while performance indicators have been defined, the measurement and monitoring of which can lead to the achievement of the strategic objectives and thus to the fulfilment of the Department’s mission through its effective strategic management.

Internal Evaluation

The purpose of the Internal Evaluation process in the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care is to formulate a critical view of the quality of work delivered by the Department. This opinion is formulated against objective criteria and indicators of general consensus, with the aim of (1) documenting the Department’s achievements, (2) identifying areas for improvement, (3) identifying actions needed, (4) taking initiatives for independent action within the Department, where and when feasible, and (5) making decisions for independent action within the institution, where and when feasible.

The quality of the Curriculum is safeguarded by the annual internal evaluation of the quality assurance system coordinated by the Department’s Internal Evaluation Team (OMEA), whose role and responsibilities are described in Law 3374/2005 (Government Gazette 189/A’/2.8.2005: Quality Assurance in Higher Education. System of transfer and accumulation of credits) and especially in Articles 4, 5, 6, as well as in Article 38 of Law 3848/2010 which amends Article 5 par. 2 of Law 3374/2005, and is carried out with the assistance of all the bodies and committees of the Department and the administrative staff, as well as with the university’s Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP). The results of the internal evaluation are reflected in the internal evaluation report, which is drawn up by the Internal Evaluation Team and published on the website of the Department and of the institution’s MODIP. On the basis of this report, the necessary actions and interventions are decided.





(Ref. 27/20-12-2021)

The Department of Early Childhood Education and Care of the University of West Attica remains committed to providing high quality higher education to students and to the development of the appropriate conditions for a creative and productive working environment for its staff, one that is conducive to scientific research.

The primary concern of the faculty members (DEP), the members of the specialized educational staff (EDIP), the members of the specialized technical staff (ETEP) and the administrative staff of the Department is the continuous improvement of the teaching and services delivered and of the research conducted.

The Department has established and implements a specific quality policy, based on the legal and regulatory framework governing the operation of the University of West Attica. Through the establishment, evaluation and redefinition of the quality assurance policy, the Department is committed to achieving better performance.

The aim of this strategy is to promote values, standards and best practices, thereby contributing to the pursuit of high-quality teaching and research outcomes, which will lead to a steady path of development for the country.

The Department of Early Childhood Education and Care of the University of West Attica, in cooperation with the Quality Assurance Unit has aligned the Quality Assurance Policy of the Undergraduate Curriculum according to the principles of the Quality Assurance Policy of the Institution (Decision of the Senate of the Institution, 4th meeting, 08-05-2020).

The subject of the undergraduate programme of study of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care can be broken down into the following aspects:

1. Establishing a strong foundation of knowledge in the areas of study that are relevant to the subjects taught in the Department while fostering interdisciplinarity.

2. Ensuring graduates’ vocational prospects through understanding science using modern technological means and methods, based on Greek and international literature.

3. Developing graduates’ ability to pursue lifelong learning in a rapidly developing international society and economy.

All the activities of the Department aim at the continuous formation and development of a flexible and modernised undergraduate curriculum. In addition, the mission of the Programme is to play an active role in local communities.

Strategic objectives of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care aligned to and deriving from the quality policy of the University of West Attica, include:

· Excellence in education

· Promotion of scientific research

· Internationalisation, extroversion

· Vocational prospects for its graduates

· Improvement of the academic environment and infrastructure

· Digital transformation

The quality assurance and improvement policy of the Department of Education and Care in Early Childhood Education and Care is based on the axes described below, which are inextricably linked to and form part of the strategy of the University of West Attica:

· Continuous reformation and improvement of the undergraduate programme of study.

· Strengthening of student-centred learning.

· Improving student performance and achievement.

· Increase in publications in international journals, edited volumes and international peer-reviewed scientific journals with high impact factors.

· Continuous improvement of working conditions for teaching, research and administrative staff.

· Development of synergies for research activities etc. with other University departments

· Development of cooperation with academic departments of the University of West Attica or other Greek and foreign universities.

· Strengthening of transnational cooperation programmes providing for student and members of teaching and research staff mobility.

· Implementation of extroversion acts of the Department.

· Transparency and adherence to the regulations of the undergraduate programme by all parties involved.

· Attracting high caliber faculty members from Greece and abroad.

· Establishment and implementation of new Postgraduate Studies Programmes with an emphasis on interdisciplinarity and interdepartmentality.

· Flexible use of alternative sources of funding (participation in international programmes, self-funded study programmes, sponsorships/donations), complementary to public funding.

· Improving the organisation and delivery of Lifelong Learning programmes.

· Contribution of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care to the continuous provision of direct and indirect support towards vulnerable social groups.

The Department of Early Childhood Education and Care is committed to implementing a quality assurance policy guided by safety, equality and transparency.

Publication of the Quality Assurance Policy

The Department of Early Childhood Education and Care’s quality assurance policy is made public, disseminated and applied to the members involved, faculty members (DEP, EDIP, ETEP), administrative staff and students, so that they all assume responsibility for quality assurance. In addition, students are informed since the beginning of their studies, as part of a special welcome event, about the quality assurance policy of the Department and the University in general.

The Quality Policy Statement is posted on the Department’s website.

In addition, the Department of Education and Early Childhood Care and Education of the University of West Attica communicates the quality assurance policy at inter-institutional events both at a national and international level as well as during meetings with professional, research, social, environmental and cultural partners.