Department of Early Childhood Education and Care

The aim and pivotal axis of development of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care is primarily to provide an excellent pedagogical training and a heuristic humanistic education to the graduates of the Department. It also aims to provide an in-depth knowledge in specialized theoretical and research fields to the graduates, who will be called upon to respond to the ever-increasing needs in the field of Early Childhood Education and Care and will eventually constitute a valuable scientific force which will have the potential to meet the research needs in pedagogical science in general and in particular, in Early Childhood Education and Care. Studies are designed to keep pace with international developments, to promote research and collaboration and to facilitate students in the development of competences and skills in order to become competitive in changing educational, economic and social conditions in regional as well as national and international contexts.

According to the report of the Accreditation Panel , which was validated by the Hellenic Authority for Higher Education (ΗΑΗΕ –, the undergraduate study programme in operation of Early Childhood Education and Care department of the University of West Attica was certified with the highest distinction “Fully compliant” since it was considered to be in full compliance with the Quality Assurance Principles of the European Higher Education Area (ESG2015 standard, for more information visit


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