Petrogiannis Konstantinos

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Faculty Members

Professor, Head of Department




Office Address

Agioy Spyridonos 28, Egaleo, K16.111, 1st floor

Office Hours

Monday 10:00-12:00 am, Tuesday 10:00-12:00 am & Thursday 10:00-11:00 am Office: K16. 111

Konstantinos Petrogiannis (Bachelor degree in Philosophy-Education, & Psychology (major), University of Ioannina, GR; Master of Science in “Research methods in social & developmental psychology“, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK; PhD in Applied Developmental Psychology, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK) is currently Professor of Developmental Psychology at the Department of Early Childhood Education & Care in the University of West Attica (UNIWA). He has worked as a researcher in a number of projects as well as a consultant in educational settings. His main areas of interest are, among others, in out-of-home care and education settings’ experiences and developmental outcomes in children, social/educational policies and children’s development, parental involvement and transitions, intrafamilial relationships and attachment, risk-protective factors and resilience in preschool and school-aged children, psychosocial development of children from disadvantaged families (e.g., Roma families). He has been member and team director in a number of national and European research projects. The last decade he was involved as country-level coordinator and principal researcher in two large-scale projects funded by EU, namely, the CARE project (FP7), the ISOTIS project (Horizon 2020), PARTICIPA project (Erasmus CA). Currently is academic director in one of the most populous postgraduate programs in country-level in the field of education. He is licensed psychologist, Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society, and, for a number of years member of the executive committee of the Hellenic Psychological Society (ELPSE).